Choose Anthem! We’ll help you get and stay healthy.
Hoosier Healthwise
Apply In Person
To apply for Hoosier Healthwise in person, visit a Division of Family Resources (DFR) office. You can find a DFR office near you by entering your ZIP code or choosing your county of residence.
Find a DFR office near you
Apply Online
You can also apply on the FSSA Benefits Portal.
Apply By Phone
To apply by phone, call 800-403-0864.
Apply By Mail
You can also have the application mailed to your address. Call 800-403-0864.You can also have the application mailed to your address. Call 800-403-0864.
Not Eligible For Hoosier Healthwise?
You can apply for healthcare at the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace by visiting How to apply & enroll.
Healthy Indiana Plan
Apply in person
To apply for Healthy Indiana Plan in person, visit a Division of Family Resources (DFR) office. You can find a DFR office near you by entering your ZIP code or choosing your county of residence.
Find a DFR office near you
Apply online
You can also apply on the FSSA Benefits Portal.
Apply by phone
To apply by phone, call 877-GET-HIP9 (877-438-4479).
Not Eligible For Healthy Indiana Plan?
You can apply for healthcare at the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace by visiting How to apply & enroll.
Hoosier Care Connect
Apply in person
To apply for Hoosier Care Connect in person, visit a Division of Family Resources (DFR) office. You can find a DFR office near you by entering your ZIP code or choosing your county of residence.
Find a DFR office near you
Apply online
You can also apply on the FSSA Benefits Portal.
Apply by phone
To apply by phone, call 800-403-0864.
Apply by mail
Not eligible for Hoosier Care Connect?
You can apply for healthcare at the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace by visiting How to apply & enroll.
Indiana PathWays for Aging
Apply In Person
To apply for PathWays in person, visit a Division of Family Resources (DFR) office. You can find a DFR office near you by entering your ZIP code or clicking on your county of residence.
Find a DFR office near you
Apply Online
You can also apply on the FSSA Benefits Portal.
Apply By Phone
To apply by phone, 800-403-0864.
Apply By Mail
You can also have the application mailed to your address. Call 800-403-0864.
Not Eligible For PathWays?
You can apply for healthcare at the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace by visiting How to apply & enroll.
Page Last Updated: 05/07/2024