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Get the care you need
Anthem wants you to have the best care possible. That’s why we’ve partnered with providers in your area. Find one who meets your needs using the search tool below. You can search by name, specialty or location.
Search for many different types of providers, like:
- Primary care providers (PCP)
- Specialists
- Hospitals
- Labs (to get blood tests)
- Personal care workers
Provider education and training
You can get more information about the providers in our health plan. Visit to search for providers and find out where they went to medical school.
Dental care
Members in Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine, Washington and Waukesha Counties
Dental benefits are provided through DentaQuest. To learn more about your dental benefits, call DentaQuest at 1-888-271-5210 (TTY 1-800-466-7566) or visit their website.
Members in all other Wisconsin counties:
Dental benefits are provided through the state. Call ForwardHealth Member Services at 1-800-362-3002 to learn about your dental benefits.
Vision care
Vision benefits are provided through MARCH Vision Care. To learn more, call MARCH Vision Care at 1-855-516-2724 (TTY 1-877-627-2456) or visit their website.

Pharmacy and prescription drugs
Your pharmacy benefits are provided by the state. You can get covered prescriptions and certain over-the-counter items at any pharmacy that accepts your ForwardHealth ID card.
If you have questions about which prescriptions are covered under your plan, please call ForwardHealth Member Services at 1-800-362-3002.
Find a pharmacy
Introducing Sydney Health
Download the Sydney Health mobile app. Download from your app store and log in using the same username and password.