Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates and resources
Last updated: October 8, 2021
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has impacted all of us. We want to make sure you have the latest information about your benefits, how to get the care you need, and how to find local help and resources.
COVID-19 Vaccines
Vaccines for COVID-19 have been proven to be safe and effective against the COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 vaccines do not cost you anything. You can find a vaccine site and schedule a COVID-19 vaccine by:
• Visiting
• Texting your ZIP code to GETVAX (438829).
• Calling 800-232-0233 (TTY 711) from 8 a.m. to midnight Eastern time; someone will help you make an appointment.
Schedule your COVID-19 vaccine now
Activate or log in to your online account to stay up-to-date on the latest information.
Find a COVID-19 test site
Use this tool to quickly locate testing sites near you. Just enter your state and county.
Find a COVID-19 test facility
See more COVID-19 FAQs at the bottom of the page.
Focusing on your health
These temporary changes have been put in place to make it easier for you to focus on your health and those you care about.
If you receive health benefits from the state, they may contact you from time to time with important information. If you have moved or changed addresses, update your information by visiting
If your benefits were extended due to COVID-19, you may need to renew soon. See what you need to do.
All services covered under your medical health plan will continue. Members can refill certain prescriptions early. Call the Pharmacy Member Services number on your member ID card for more information.
Non-emergency transportation is still available. Call MTM at 844-879-7341 if you need to schedule a ride.
If you have any questions about your benefits, we’re here for you. Call Member Services at 1-844-396-2329 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific time, or log in to your account to send us a secure message.
Receiving the care you need
See a doctor without leaving home
Telehealth is a doctor visit through video chat or over the phone. It allows you to take care of your health without having to leave home. Your plan will pay for telehealth visits with your doctor. If you can’t reach your doctor, call 24/7 NurseLine 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 844-396-2329 (TTY 711).
LiveHealth Online
With LiveHealth Online, you can video chat with a doctor 24/7 from your smartphone, tablet or computer at no cost to you. It’s an easy way to get care for you or your family anytime of the day or night without leaving home.
Find a COVID-19 test site
Use this tool to quickly locate testing sites near you. Just enter your state and county.
Take care of your mental health
You might be feeling anxious or stressed with all of the information about COVID-19. Taking care of your mental health is more important than ever.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers helpful resources
If you need to speak with someone right away, call the SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline 24/7: 800-985-5990.
Emotional Well-being Resources
Change your mind, change your life. Reduce stress, be more self-aware, and learn to cope with change. This online resource is here to help you take care of your emotional health.
Psych Hub
Psych Hub offers free online resources and videos to help you manage stress, talk to children about coronavirus disease 2019, cope with job loss and other COVID-19 challenges.
Finding resources you may need

Free or low-cost services near you
Use our Community Resource Link for local help finding food, housing and other things you might need.
Free smartphone from SafeLink Wireless®
SafeLink offers free smartphones with data, texts and minutes to those who qualify. Use your phone to keep up with important information, use telehealth services and stay in touch with family and friends.
Learn about the Emergency Broadband Benefit
COVID-19 vaccine
COVID-19 vaccines are available now to people age 5 and up. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized several COVID-19 vaccines. They are working quickly to assess data in younger age groups. Learn more here.
No. Your COVID-19 vaccine does not cost you anything.
According to the CDC, the vaccines are safe and effective. The vaccines went through the FDA’s review process meeting their standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing. Hundreds of millions of people have received the vaccine since mid-December 2020. The FDA, CDC, and vaccine manufacturers continue to monitor their safety and quality. So far, serious safety problems are very rare. If you are fully vaccinated, you can go back to doing many activities you did before the pandemic.
To find a COVID vaccine site near you:
• Visit
• Text your ZIP code to GETVAX (438829).
• Call 800-232-0233 (TTY 711) from 8 a.m. to midnight Eastern time.
Your primary care provider can answer any questions about COVID vaccines. You can also learn more from the CDC.
If you are an Anthem member, you can activate your online account to receive updates on COVID-19 vaccines.
Download the Anthem Medicaid mobile app from Google Play or the App Store.
Yes. Even if you’ve already had COVID-19, you could still benefit from the vaccine. You can talk to your primary care provider to see what they recommend. The CDC also has information about the benefits of the vaccine.
Learn more about COVID-19
It is an airway and lung infection. It is similar to the flu.
Similar to the flu, but often more serious. Mild to severe fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle or body aches, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, and nausea or vomiting are just some of the common symptoms. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after being around someone who has COVID-19.
The best way to prevent infection is to get a COVID-19 vaccine when it is available to you. Check the CDC website for up-to-date information. If you are traveling, visit for the CDC’s most current guidelines.
Older adults, people with disabilities, and people with diabetes or who have severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung, or kidney disease seem to be at higher risk for a more serious COVID-19 illness. We will support you and help you get the care you need.
If you’re caring for someone, be sure visitors take care to avoid causing any extra risk to you or them – keep hand sanitizer by the door, or ask visitors to wash their hands. Wash your hands thoroughly and use hand sanitizer before and after touching or feeding someone, or touching any mobility devices or equipment.
You should check with state and local guidance on masking requirements. Here is what the CDC says about face coverings.
Call your doctor if you develop a fever, have a cough, or have difficulty breathing. Tell them if you’ve been in close contact with a person who has COVID-19, or if you live in or have been to an area where the virus has spread.
Your plan will pay for telehealth visits with your doctor.
Can’t reach your doctor? Call our 24/7 NurseLine 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at the number on your member ID card.
You can also see a doctor from your smartphone with LiveHealth Online.
If you have a plan with us, you do not have to pay anything for the COVID-19 test or the doctor visit to get the test. The visit and test are covered whether you get care in a doctor’s office, urgent care center, or pharmacy. You should avoid going to the emergency room for a COVID-19 test since there are many other locations that can provide you with a test. Use our testing locator to find a site near you.
No, prior authorization is not required for COVID-19 testing.
You should try to see your primary care provider or a doctor in your plan. If your doctor offers telehealth visits, your plan will pay for those, too.
We will pay for care you get from doctors outside your plan (called “out of network”) as long as the services are medically needed.
No. If you have health benefits from us, your plan covers sick visits and tests.
If you have medicines you take regularly, call the Pharmacy Member Services number on your member ID card to find out about your options.
Your health is important. Try to keep taking your medicines as prescribed, and try to get your refills on time.