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Anthem Wants To Give You Access To The Best Care
That's why we’ve partnered with many providers in your area. Find one who meets your needs.

Getting You The Care You Need
Use our search tool below to find a primary medical provider (PMP), hospital, pharmacy or specialist that serves your plan. If you want to change your PMP, use this tool to find the name of the new PMP you'd like. You could also search by the PMP’s city and state, specialty and plan.
A few types of providers you’ll find include:
- Behavioral health providers
- Health home providers
- Laboratories
- Specialists
- Clinics
- Hospitals
- Pharmacies
Where Should I Go for Care? - Spanish
Provider Education And Training
You can get more information about the providers in our health plan. Visit to search for providers and find out where they went to medical school.
Dental benefits are provided through DentaQuest for members listed below. See your member handbook for more details.
- HIP Plus
- HIP Maternity
- HIP State Plans
- HIP Basic members age 19 and 20
- Hoosier Healthwise
- Hoosier Care Connect
- Indiana PathWays for Aging
For more information and to search for providers, call DentaQuest toll free at:
888-291-3762 (TTY 800-466-7566).
DentaQuest, an independent company that does not provide Blue Cross and Blue Shield products, administers dental benefits for Anthem.
Vision Services
Vision benefits are provided through Superior Vision for members listed below. See your member handbook for more details.
- HIP Plus
- HIP Maternity
- HIP State Plans
- HIP Basic members age 19 and 20
- Hoosier Healthwise
- Hoosier Care Connect
- Indiana PathWays for Aging
For more information and to search for providers, call Superior Vision toll free at:
Superior Vision, an independent company that does not provide Blue Cross and Blue Shield products, administers vision benefits for Anthem.
Pharmacy And Prescription Drugs
Your benefits include a wide range of prescription and over-the-counter drugs. We work with CarelonRx to provide these pharmacy benefits. Learn more about your pharmacy benefits.
Page last updated: 07/12/2024