Hoosier Healthwise (HHW)
Am I eligible?
Families with income up to 250% of the federal poverty level can qualify for the Children’s Health Insurance Program through HHW. Pregnant women and children up to age 19 are also eligible for benefits.

What you receive with HHW
Hoosier Healthwise (HHW) is Indiana’s Medicaid plan for children and some pregnant members.
HHW provides access to healthcare, including doctor visits, prescription drugs, mental health care, dental care, hospitalizations, surgeries and family planning at little or no cost to the member or the member's family.
We’re proud to offer these benefits so you can be as healthy as possible. And with Anthem, you get even more!
- Doctor care
- Hospital services
- Emergency and urgent care
- Lab tests and X-rays
- Medical supplies
- Chiropractic services
- Behavioral health
- Prescription drugs
- Smoking cessation
- Podiatry services
- Transportation
See the HHW member handbook for more details.
OnHHW offers the routine dental care you need to keep you and your family healthy, including:
- Exams
- Cleanings
- X-rays
- Fillings
- Fluoride treatment (age 20 and under)
- Crowns
- Extractions
For Help Finding A Dentist In Your Area
Call DentaQuest toll free at 1-888-291-3762 (TTY 800-466-7566) or visit DentaQuest.
*Administered by DentaQuest, an independent company that does not provide Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield products.
Eye Exams
- One eye exam per year for members under 21 years old.
- One eye exam every two years for members 21 years and older.
- Additional examinations must be medically necessary.
Eyeglasses (Including Frames And Lenses)
- One pair of eyeglasses per year for members under 21 years old, unless medically necessary under EPSDT.
- One pair of eyeglasses every 5 years for members 21 years and older.
For Help Finding An Eye Doctor In Your Area
Call Superior Vision toll free at 800-507-3800 or visit their website.
Your benefits include a wide range of prescription and many over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. We work with CarelonRx to provide these pharmacy benefits.
Visit the pharmacy page to find a pharmacy near you and check if your medicine is covered.
Go to the Pharmacy pageOn top of your regular HHW benefits, you can receive these no-cost extras just for being our member. You can access extra benefits in a few different ways.
Some extra benefits can be ordered by logging in to the secure Benefit Reward Hub. These include:
- Asthma and allergy relief supplies — hypoallergenic bedding, and HEPA air filters (up to $80 value)
- Pain management products — products like massage tools, creams, and heating pads (up to $50 value)
- Personal care essentials — hygiene and dental products, pregnancy tests, cold and allergy remedies, and other over-the-counter items (up to $50 value)
- Transportation essentials — gas card or ride-share card (up to $50 value)
For these extras, call Member Services at 866-408-6131 (711):
- Boys & Girls Club — memberships for youth ages 5 to 18
- Online fitness program and resources — through ChooseHealthy
- Home-delivered meals — fresh fruits and veggies, frozen meals, or other healthy food delivered to your door
- High School Equivalency (HSE) assistance — covers the cost of the HSE test, practice test, and up to two retests
- Essentials for expectant parents — online learning courses on pregnancy and new-baby care, plus items to keep parent and baby comfortable and safe
- Transportation essentials — bus passes (up to $50 value)
Others you can access directly:
- Extra minutes for SafeLink smartphone — visit checklifeline.org to see if you qualify, then apply for SafeLink Wireless at safelinkwireless.org or call 877-631-2550
- Community Resource Link — on the Community Support page
SafeLink Wireless® is a LifeLine supported service, a government benefit program.
Limitations and restrictions apply. Benefits may change.
You can redeem some benefits online through your secure account. You may need to complete activities like an online health screening or yearly wellness or dental benefit to be eligible for certain extras. View the extra benefits you are eligible for on the Benefit Reward Hub or call the Member Services number on the back of your member ID card.
Log in to get started today!
Log inReferral
A referral is when your primary medical provider (PMP) sends you to another provider for care.
This care is often from a specialist. Your PMP may send you to a specialist for special care or treatment. Your PMP can:
- Help choose a specialist to give you the care you need.
- Help you set the day and time for the office visit with a specialist.
- Ask Anthem is if you can get services from a specialist. Your PMP knows when to ask for a preapproval. (See below.)
Some types of services are known as self-referral services. That means you can get these services without a referral from your PMP. You can see any Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) doctor for many of these services. See your member handbook for a list of these services.
Some services require a preapproval or OK from Anthem. Your PMP will ask Anthem to make sure they’re offered. If they are, both Anthem and your PMP or specialist agree the services are medically necessary. Getting a preapproval will take no more than seven calendar days or, if urgent, no more than three calendar days.
These are types of services, if offered in your health plan, that need preapproval:
- Air ambulance
- Certain behavioral health services
- Biofeedback
- Drug injections
- Certain dental services
- Some equipment
- Genetic testing
- Home health and hospice care
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- Infusion therapy and chemotherapy
- Inpatient hospital services
- Certain laboratory tests
- Services not in your plan
- Referrals to specialists
- Radiology services
- Select outpatient surgeries/procedures
- Sensory integration therapy
- Transplant services
- Certain vision services
Your PMP will know which services need preapproval. We may not approve payment for a service you or your doctor asks for. If your case doesn’t meet the rules for medically needed, we’ll send you a letter. The letter will tell you we could not approve the service and why. The letter will also let you know how to appeal our decision if you disagree with it. For more help, please call Member Services at 1-866-408-6131 (Hoosier Healthwise, Healthy Indiana Plan); 1-844-284-1797 (Hoosier Care Connect); TTY 711.

Get The Most Out Of Your Health Care
We know everyone’s health is different, so we offer services that keep you in mind. Through our Integrated Medical Management Model approach, we analyze information you give us, claims data, as well as an ongoing review of your health to find a care plan to fit you and your family. We also work side-by-side by your doctor, so the care meets your physical, behavioral and social needs.
Key Member Resources
- HHW Member Handbook - English
- HHW Member Handbook Pharmacy Update - English
- HHW Member Handbook - Spanish
- HHW Member Handbook Pharmacy Update - Spanish
- HHW Preapproval Member Handbook Update - English
- HHW Preapproval Member Handbook Update - Spanish
- HHW Quick Start Guide - English
- HHW Quick Start Guide - Spanish
New Member Welcome Resources
- New Member Welcome Flyer - English
- New Member Welcome Flyer – Spanish
- New Member Welcome Letter - English
- New Member Welcome Letter – Spanish
- PMP Selection Form - English
- PMP Selection Form - Spanish
Indiana Museum Access Pass Program
The Access Pass Program is a great resource for Hoosier Healthwise members to visit museums across Indiana for only $2 per family member, per visit.
Team Up With The Indianapolis Colts!
Do you have your Blue Ticket to Health?
Anthem and the Indianapolis Colts are teaming up to help you stay healthy through the Blue Ticket to Health program. Click the link to learn how you can enter for a chance to win one of many prizes.

Get Your Flu Shot
Flu shots, pneumonia shots, FluMistTM and antiviral medications are approved benefits under most health plans. For specific information, check your member handbook or call the number on your ID card.
Page Last Updated: 7/12/2024