Understand Your POWER Account
Personal Wellness And Responsibility (POWER) Account
Copayment And Contribution Collections Are Currently Stopped
During the COVID-19 public health emergency, Medicaid and HIP Plus members do not need to make copays for health services.
In HIP, the first $2,500 of your healthcare expenses are paid with a special savings account called a Personal Wellness and Responsibility (POWER) Account. After the $2,500 in your POWER Account has been spent, Anthem will begin paying for your healthcare.
HIP Basic members
The state pays the entire $2,500, but you pay copays for most services and prescriptions.
HIP Plus members
The state pays most of the $2,500. You have a small payment each month called a POWER Account contribution (PAC), but you have no copays.
View POWER Account Balance
How to make a payment to your POWER Account
As a HIP Plus member, you must make monthly payments to your POWER Account called contributions. You will get a letter from us each month called an invoice. Here are the ways you can make your payments.
- Recurring bank draft — have your payments taken from your checking or savings account each month. To request a setup form, contact Member Services at 866-408-6131 (TTY 711).
- Online through your bank — talk to your bank if you need help signing up for their online bill pay services. Allow three business days for your payment to post.
- Online through Anthem’s secure member portal
- Mail — send the POWER Account invoice form with your check or money order to:
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
P.O. Box 6431
Carol Stream, IL 60197-6431
Be sure to write your member ID number on your payment. Be sure to send in mail payments with the tear-off coupon attached to your invoice. If you are paying for multiple family members with one check, include all the coupons. - MoneyGram — Go to any MoneyGram location. You can find them at places like Walmart or CVS. A complete list is online at moneygram.com located on the front of your ID card; the company name, Anthem Healthy Indiana Plan; and/or the five-digit receive code, 15204. Be sure to take the payment slip attached to your invoice with you. There is no charge for this service.
- Telephone — pay by credit card by calling Member Services at 866-408-6131 (TTY 711). Allow at least five days for your payment to post.
- Employer/nonprofit contributions — your employer or a nonprofit group, like a church or foundation, can pay some or all of your contribution. If they pay a part of your contribution, you pay what is left. Employers and nonprofit groups can visit anthem.com/Pay4HIP to learn more.
PAC Tiers Table
The PAC amount for HIP Plus members is based on household income in one of five tiers below.
Less than 22%
Federal Poverty Level Tiers
Monthly PAC Single Person
Monthly PAC Spouses
PAC with tobacco surcharge
Spouse PAC when one has tobacco surcharge
$1.00 & $1.50
Spouse PAC when both have tobacco surcharge (each)
23% to 50%
Federal Poverty Level Tiers
Monthly PAC Single Person
Monthly PAC Spouses
PAC with tobacco surcharge
Spouse PAC when one has tobacco surcharge
$2.50 & $3.75
Spouse PAC when both have tobacco surcharge (each)
51% to 75%
Federal Poverty Level Tiers
Monthly PAC Single Person
Monthly PAC Spouses
PAC with tobacco surcharge
Spouse PAC when one has tobacco surcharge
$5.00 & $7.50
Spouse PAC when both have tobacco surcharge (each)
76% to 100%
Federal Poverty Level Tiers
Monthly PAC Single Person
Monthly PAC Spouses
PAC with tobacco surcharge
Spouse PAC when one has tobacco surcharge
$7.5 & $11.25
Spouse PAC when both have tobacco surcharge (each)
101% to 138%
Federal Poverty Level Tiers
Monthly PAC Single Person
Monthly PAC Spouses
PAC with tobacco surcharge
Spouse PAC when one has tobacco surcharge
$10.00 & $15.00
Spouse PAC when both have tobacco surcharge (each)
Tobacco Surcharge
If you use tobacco products, there will be an extra charge on your PAC. This tobacco surcharge will increase your monthly PAC contribution by 50%. Tobacco use includes these products:
- Chewing tobacco
- Cigarettes
- Cigars
- Pipes
- Hookah
- Snuff
We have programs and benefits to help you quit smoking. See your member handbook or visit the Health and Wellness page to find tools and resources to help you quit. You can earn money, too.
Key POWER Account Member Resources
The following documents provide more information about how employers and nonprofits can help you make your POWER Account payments.
POWER Account rollover credit
The money you pay into your POWER Account is yours

If there’s money left in the account at the end of the year, you’ll receive a credit.
This money will roll over and lower what you owe in the next benefit year, if you renew. This is called rollover credit. And if you complete preventive care visits, you can save even more!
Prevent, rollover and save!
HIP Basic Members
When you manage your account well and complete preventive care visits, you can lower your future costs. If you receive these services, like wellness checkups and screenings, you can qualify for a reduced HIP Plus contribution if you choose to move to HIP Plus.
Ask your doctor today about having these services based on your age and gender:
- Annual physical
- Mammogram
- Pap smear
- Cholesterol testing
- Blood glucose screen
- Tetanus-diphtheria screen
- Flu shot
HIP Plus Members
If you receive wellness checkups and screenings and you have money left over in your POWER Account, we’ll double the amount of your credit. It will be determined four months into your next benefit period and will lower the total cost for you!
(Note: The amount of your rollover credit cannot be greater than your yearly contribution amount.)
Page Last Updated: 3/3/2023