Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP)
Understanding Your Options
The Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) is an affordable health plan for low-income adult Hoosiers between the ages of 19 and 64. It is sponsored by the state and for some members requires a small monthly payment through your Personal Wellness and Responsibility (POWER) Account. HIP offers full health benefits, including hospital care, behavioral health care for mental health and substance abuse, doctor care, prescriptions, and diagnostic care.
Copayment And Contribution Collections Are Currently Stopped
Due to 2019 new coronavirus, or COVID-19, the state has stopped the collection of POWER Account contributions for Healthy Indiana Plan members. It will last for as long as Indiana is experiencing a public health emergency. During this period, you will not receive POWER Account statements or invoices. Additionally, copayments will not be required for any service. We will notify you when you need to make copayments again.
Changing Health Plans
You can switch to a different health plan if you want to. You can do so in one of these two ways:
- When you first enroll in HIP and before paying your first POWER Account contribution — unless you have a previous health plan already assigned for the current calendar year.
- During the health plan selection period each year from November 1 to December 15.
All other health plan changes must be made for just cause. To find out more about changing health plans, contact the Enrollment Broker by calling 877-GET-HIP-9 (877-438-4479) or review your member handbook.
Am I eligible?
HIP Plus
You could be eligible if:
- Your household income is up to 138% of the federal poverty level (FPL).
- You pay your monthly POWER Account on time.
HIP Basic
You could be eligible if:
- Your household income is up to 100% of the federal poverty level (FPL).
How much do I pay?
HIP Plus
You pay:
- No copays, except for non-emergent ER visits.
- $1-$20 a month based on your income.
- If you use tobacco, you may have a Tobacco Surcharge.
HIP Basic
You pay:
- Copays for most services.
- No POWER Account contributions.
What are the benefits?
HIP Plus
You get:
- All medical and behavioral health benefits.
- Maternal services.
- Dental services.
- Vision care.
- Chiropractic care.
- Full drug benefits.
HIP Basic
You get:
- All medical and behavioral health benefits, including maternal services.
- Limited drug benefits.
What you receive with HIP
We’re proud to offer these benefits to keep you healthy. And with Anthem, you may qualify for more!
- Doctor care
- Hospital services
- Emergency and urgent care
- Lab tests and X-rays
- Medical supplies
- Behavioral health
- Prescription drugs
- Smoking cessation
- Transportation*
* HIP State Plan and HIP Maternity Plan members only.
See the HIP member handbook for more details.
HIP Plus
Each year, HIP Plus members can access:
- Two oral exams and two cleanings.
- One set of bitewing X-rays and one complete set of X-rays every 5 years.
- Extractions and minor restorations such as fillings.
- Major restorations such as crowns and root canals.
HIP Basic members do not have access to dental care. However, members who are pregnant or under age 21 can access dental care.
See the HIP member handbook for more details.
Help Finding A Dentist In Your Area
Call DentaQuest toll free at 888-291-3762 (TTY 800-466-7566) or visit DentaQuest.
DentaQuest, an independent company that does not provide Blue Cross and Blue Shield products, administers dental benefits for Anthem.
Vision Benefits Are Available For The Following HIP Members
- HIP Plus
- HIP Basic members under age 21
- HIP State Plan Plus
- HIP State Plan Basic
- HIP Maternity
Eye Exams
- One eye exam per year for members under 21 years old.
- One eye exam every two years for members 21 years and older.
- Additional examinations must be medically necessary.
Eyeglasses (including frames and lenses)
One pair of eyeglasses per year for members under 21 years old, unless medically necessary under EPSDT.
One pair of eyeglasses every 5 years for members 21 years and older.
For Help Finding An Eye Doctor In Your Area
Copy Call Superior Vision toll free at 866-866-5641 (TTY 866-428-4833) or visit their website.
In HIP, the first $2,500 of your medical expenses are paid with a special savings account called a Personal Wellness and Responsibility (POWER) Account. The state will pay most of this amount, but if you’re a HIP Plus member, you’ll be responsible for making a small contribution to your account each month. The amount will be based on your income. If you’re a HIP Basic member, you don’t pay a contribution. After the $2,500 in your POWER Account has been spent, Anthem will begin paying for your health care.
Learn about POWER AccountsHIP Plus members are eligible for chiropractic (back) care:
- Six spinal therapy visits each year
- Referrals from your doctor are not needed
- Preapproval from Anthem is not required
Your benefits include a wide range of prescription and many over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. We work with CarelonRx to provide these pharmacy benefits.
Visit the pharmacy page to find a pharmacy near you and check if your medicine is covered.
Go to the Pharmacy pageHIP Maternity
If you qualify for HIP and you’re pregnant or become pregnant while you’re in HIP, you’ll be enrolled in the HIP Maternity plan. HIP Maternity members receive full comprehensive health coverage, including but not limited to:
- Prenatal services
- Vision, dental, medical, and chiropractic coverage
- Non-emergency transportation
- Behavioral health services
- Substance use disorder (SUD) services
- Smoking cessation services designed specifically for pregnant members
Pregnancy Care
As soon as you know you are pregnant:
- Call Member Services toll free at 866-408-6131 (TTY 711).
- See your doctor for prenatal care. This is the care you receive while you are pregnant. Our staff will make sure your doctor and hospital are in your plan.
While you’re in the HIP Maternity plan, you have:
- No copays.
- No POWER Account payments while you are pregnant.
After Pregnancy Care
Call us at the end of your pregnancy to let us know that you have delivered. Your extra pregnancy benefits will continue for another 12-month postpartum period. During this period, you will continue to have no copayments or POWER Account contributions.
After the 12-month period, you will transfer to HIP Basic if eligible. To switch to HIP Plus, you will need to make a POWER Account contribution within 60 days of receiving HIP Basic benefits. Members with income over the federal poverty level who do not pay for HIP Plus will lose eligibility for HIP Basic after 60 days.
On top of your regular HIP benefits, HIP Plus members can receive no-cost extras just for being our member. You can access these benefits in a few different ways.
Some extra benefits can be ordered by logging in to the secure Benefit Reward Hub. These include:
- Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease — relief products like inhalers, nebulizers, hypoallergenic bedding, and HEPA air filters (up to $80 value)
- Online fitness program and resources — through ChooseHealthy
- Pain management products — like massage tools, creams, and heating pads (up to $50 value)
- Personal care essentials — hygiene and dental products, pregnancy tests, cold and allergy remedies, and other over-the-counter items (up to $50 value)
- Transportation essentials — gas card or ride-share card (up to $50 value)
For these extras, call Member Services at 866-408-6131 (TTY 711):
- WW® (formerly Weight Watchers) — up to 13 weeks of membership
- 6-month gym membership — to a fitness center in the American Specialty Health (ASH) network
- Home-delivered meals — fresh fruits and veggies, frozen meals, or other healthy food delivered to your door
- High School Equivalency (HSE) assistance — covers the cost of the HSE test, practice test, and up to two retests
- Jump Start program — offering online learning and a job search tool
- Essentials for expectant parents — online learning courses on pregnancy and new baby care, plus items to keep parent and baby comfortable and safe.
- Transportation essentials — bus passes (up to $50 value)
Others you can access directly:
- Extra minutes for SafeLink smartphone — visit to see if you qualify, then apply for SafeLink Wireless at or call 877-631-2550
- Community Resource Link — on the Community Support page
SafeLink Wireless® is a LifeLine supported service, a government benefit program.
©2020 WW International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Limitations and restrictions apply. Benefits may change.
You can redeem some benefits online through your secure account. You may need to complete activities like an online health screening or yearly wellness or dental visit to be eligible for certain extras. View the extra benefits you are eligible for on the Benefit Reward Hub or call the Member Services number on the back of your member ID card. Log in to get started today.
Log inReferral
A referral is when your primary medical provider (PMP) sends you to another provider for care.
This care is often from a specialist. Your PMP may send you to a specialist for special care or treatment. Your PMP can:
- Help choose a specialist to give you the care you need.
- Help you set the day and time for the office visit with a specialist.
- Ask Anthem is if you can get services from a specialist. Your PMP knows when to ask for a preapproval. (See below.)
Some types of services are known as self-referral services. That means you can get these services without a referral from your PMP. You can see any Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) doctor for many of these services. See your member handbook for a list of these services.
Some services require a preapproval or OK from Anthem. Your PMP will ask Anthem to make sure they’re offered. If they are, both Anthem and your PMP or specialist agree the services are medically necessary. Getting a preapproval will take no more than seven calendar days or, if urgent, no more than three calendar days.
These are types of services, if offered in your health plan, that need preapproval:
- Air ambulance
- Certain behavioral health services
- Biofeedback
- Drug injections
- Certain dental services
- Some equipment
- Genetic testing
- Home health and hospice care
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- Infusion therapy and chemotherapy
- Inpatient hospital services
- Certain laboratory tests
- Services not in your plan
- Referrals to specialists
- Radiology services
- Select outpatient surgeries/procedures
- Sensory integration therapy
- Transplant services
- Certain vision services
Your PMP will know which services need preapproval. We may not approve payment for a service you or your doctor asks for. If your case doesn’t meet the rules for medically needed, we’ll send you a letter. The letter will tell you we could not approve the service and why. The letter will also let you know how to appeal our decision if you disagree with it. For more help, please call Member Services at 1-866-408-6131 (Hoosier Healthwise, Healthy Indiana Plan); 1-844-284-1797 (Hoosier Care Connect); TTY 711.

Get The Most Out Of Your Health Care
We know everyone’s health is different, so we offer services that keep you in mind. Through our Integrated Medical Management Model approach, we analyze information you give us, claims data, as well as an ongoing review of your health to find a care plan to fit you and your family. We also work side-by-side by your doctor, so the care meets your physical, behavioral and social needs.
Key Member Resources
- HIP Member Handbook - English
- HIP Member Handbook - Spanish
- HIP Preapproval Member Handbook Update - English
- HIP Preapproval Member Handbook Update - Spanish
- HIP Member Handbook Pharmacy Update - English
- HIP Member Handbook Pharmacy Update - Spanish
- HIP Waiver MCE Selection Letter - English
- HIP Waiver MCE Selection Letter - Spanish
- IN HIP Quick Start Guide - English
- IN HIP Quick Start Guide - Spanish
New Member Welcome Resources
- New Member Welcome Flyer - English
- New Member Welcome Flyer – Spanish
- New Member Welcome Letter - English
- New Member Welcome Letter - Spanish
- PMP Selection Form - English
- PMP Selection Form - Spanish
- ACH Form – English
- ACH Form – Spanish
- Employer and Third-Party Contribution POWER Account Flyer- English
- Employer and Third-Party Contribution POWER Account Flyer - Spanish
Team Up With The Indianapolis Colts!
Do you have your Blue Ticket to Health?
Anthem and the Indianapolis Colts are teaming up to help you stay healthy through the Blue Ticket to Health program. Click the link to learn how you can enter for a chance to win one of many prizes.

Get Your Flu Shot
Flu shots, pneumonia shots, FluMistTM and antiviral medications are approved benefits under most health plans. For specific information, check your Member Handbook or call the number on your ID card.
Make Your HIP Payments With MoneyGram!
To help make it easier for you to pay your POWER Account contributions, Anthem has partnered with MoneyGram.
Page Last Updated: 10/30/2023