Caregiver Resources
Helping you help others
Taking care of a loved one can be very rewarding. It can also be very challenging. At Anthem, you’re not alone. Everyone needs a helping hand from time to time, even caregivers. We’re here to help you.
The resources and tools you’ll find on this page are designed to help you with your day-to-day tasks as a caregiver, and taking care of your loved one and yourself.
Getting started
The first step is to find out what kind of help you may need. Each person’s situation is unique, so finding the right tools is important to help you give the best care you can.
- The Caregiver Nutrition Education Toolkit from the National Resource Center on Nutrition & Aging is an extensive guide to the best nutrition and health practices for older adults.
- Checklist for Family Caregivers from AARP provides a template to manage a member’s care plan, health goals, day-to-day routine, and more.
Keep track of your loved one’s phone numbers, appointments, finances, and more with the Anthem Caregiver Organizer.
This all-in-one binder lets you easily organize all the vital information you need. Just ask your loved one’s Anthem care coordinator or service coordinator to have one sent to you.
Helpful resources for caregivers
There are many Anthem, local, and national tools and resources available to assist you with caring for your loved ones.
There are many Anthem, local, and national tools and resources available to assist you with caring for your loved ones.
- Community Resources for help to find community resources and social services throughout Indiana.
- Health & Wellness page with resources on many health topics from asthma to substance abuse.
- Health A to Z online medical encyclopedia to help you check symptoms and find information about topics like preventive care, healthy eating and senior health.
- Meals on Wheels of Central Indiana mission is to provide food delivery to improve the health and quality of life of the seniors they serve so that no one is left hungry or isolated.
- Family Caregiver Alliance Services by State tool helps family caregivers locate public, nonprofit, and private programs and services nearest their loved one.
- Indiana Community Action Association provides access to local programs that service the needs of their communities.
- U.S. Administration on Aging Eldercare Locator is a toll-free information and assistance hotline that helps older adults and their caregivers to find local support services.
- Indiana Association of Area Agencies on Aging delivers services to older adults and people with disabilities of any age and their caregivers in 16 planning and service areas through the state.
- supports people planning for or living with serious illness and end-of-life issues.
- The National Alliance for Caregiving leads policy analysis and tracks laws dealing with family caregiving issues and plans that focus on family caregivers.
- Caregiver Action Network works to improve the quality of life for Americans who care for their loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or who are elderly. Call the Caregiver Help Desk at 855-CARE-640.
- My Health Priorities helps members and caregivers to prioritize and focus on specific healthcare decisions.
- Safety for Older Consumers – Home Safety Checklist helps caregivers ensure the home is up to safety standards.
- — Search for free and reduced cost services in Indiana.
- Alzheimer's Association: Greater Indiana Chapter offers support for those living with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers.
- Indiana Parkinson Foundation provides programs and services for those with Parkinson’s disease and their families.
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs — Caregiver Support Program offers services to support caregivers of veterans.
- Indiana Legal Services — Senior Law Project
- Oral Health for Older Adults: Quick Tips
Below are some helpful resources from the Alzheimer’s Association to help those living with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia and their caregivers.
Know the 10 Signs
- Plan for the future
- Treatment for symptoms
- Clinical studies
- Care costs and paying for care
- Healthcare insurance and medical care
- Legal planning
- Common changes in communication and behavior
- Tips to help communicate with the person living with dementia
Caregiver stress
Person living with dementia
Overview of Alzheimer’s Association resources
Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline:
- Programs, supports, and information
- Local resources (home care, residential care, adult day care)
Online training programs
Have questions?
We’re here to help.
Hoosier Healthwise and Healthy Indiana Plan
Hoosier Care Connect
Indiana PathWays for Aging
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time.

Page Last Updated: 12/13/2024